Texas Servant Girl Annihilator

MAY 31, 2023

Tonight’s case is about an early American serial killer whose crimes and reign of terror rival that of Jack the Ripper. This is the story of the Texas Servant Girl Annihilator.

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Victorian Wedding Lore & Superstitions: Months of the Year

Married in January's hoar and rime,
Widowed you’ll be before your prime.
Married in February's sleety weather,
Life you’ll tread in tune together.
Married when March winds shrill and roar,
Your home will lie on a foreign shore.
Married 'neath April's changeful skies,
A checkered path before you lies.
Married when bees o'er May blossoms flit,
Strangers around your board will sit
Married in month of roses — June —
Life will be one long honeymoon.
Married in July, with flowers ablaze,
Bitter-sweet mem'ries in after days.
Married in August's heat and drowse,
Lover and friend in your chosen spouse.
Married in golden September's glow,
Smooth and serene your life will go.
Married when leaves in October thin,
Toil and hardship for you begin.
Married in veils of November mist,
Fortune your wedding ring has kissed.
Married in days of December cheer,
Love's star shines brighter from year to year.

Episode Sources


The Midnight Assassin: Panic, Scandal, and the Hunt for America's First Serial Killer


Servant Girl Annihilator Murders of Austin, Texas

How the 'Servant Girl Annihilator' Terrorized 1880s Austin

Servant Girl Annihilator


Travis County, Texas - Serial Murders of 1884-1885

Serial killer

Victims of the Servant Girl Annihilator

Nathan Elgin


HDSI - Texas Servant Girl Murders

Victorian Society Tip Sources

Wedding superstitions

Victorian Wedding Lore and Superstition

Victorian Wedding Superstitions

Victorian Wedding Traditions

Wedding dress of Queen Victoria

Godey's Lady's Book


Belle Gunness


Getter’s Island