Victorians & LGBTQ+ Pride
JUNE 22, 2022
This is a special bonus episode to celebrate Pride Month! As a show that focuses exclusively on the Victorian era and crime, we cannot gloss over the fact that many facets of LGBTQ+ lifestyles were, in fact, considered criminal during the time period. And as I share this brief history with you, you may find yourself thinking, “Wow, thank goodness things aren’t like that any more…” but do not for a second make the mistake that LGBTQ+ people are safe living in today’s society, okay? There are a lot of opportunities, this month especially, for you to learn about and support LGBTQ+ people. So with that, please enjoy this special bonus episode on the Victorians and LGBTQ+ pride!
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Episode Sources
8 LGBT facts about Victorian England which will blow your mind
You’ll be Surprised to Hear People in the Victorian Era’s Thoughts on Homosexuality
Friendships, Lesbianism and Identity in Victorian Britain
The Victorian men in drag who led Britain to outlaw homosexuality
LGBT rights in the 19th century
Over 100 Years Later, Photographer Alice Austen Is Finally Being Recognized as an LGBTQ Icon